The Value Proposition for a Small Business Owner

“Prepare for an upcoming economic hurricane.”
Jamie Dimon – CEO, JPMorgan Chase – June 2022

Are you a Small Business Owner?
Do you want to future-proof your business and achieve prosperity in the tough economic times ahead?
With 45 years of local and global experience as an entrepreneur and business adviser, I can help you achieve that.
About Neville Berkowitz

I start with an Initial Assessment Future Proofing Report
Together we do a Q&A process on certain major elements of your business. This Q&A process is based on using critical thinking processes.
The World Economic Forum’s Future of Jobs Report (2020) states that “critical thinking and problem-solving top the list of skills employers believe will grow in prominence in the next five years.”

• From the authentic and accurate information supplied by you, I analyze, assess, and highlight specific aspects of the business I am concerned about now and in the future.
• I also identify positive aspects of your business that need further development and negative aspects that need to be addressed.
• I offer critical thinking and creative thinking solutions to these three aspects I have uncovered.

Some of the aspects I cover in the analysis and assessment phase are:
Customers and their profiles- and how to get more customers
• As we go into tough economic times, your debtors and risk profiles of these debtors.
• Your creditors and where problems are likely to occur.
• Your marketing, what works and what doesn’t, and where to focus your marketing spend, now and into the future.
Your current staffing situation, identification of current and future areas of concern, staff planning, and measurement of their performances. Increasing staffing costs impacting upon the cash flow and net profitability of the business
• Quantifying the impact of high inflation and high-interest rates on your business’s cash flow and net profitability.
• A financial appraisal identifying areas of concern now and in the future and a proactive approach to minimize these concerns.
• A SWOT Analysis– identifying Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats your business faces now and in the future.
Your business prospects as you head into a recession, possible stagflation, and a successive recession.
• The outcome of this analysis and assessment is contained in the Initial Assessment Future Proofing Report.
• This Initial Assessment Future Proofing Report is charged at $490 and usually takes seven working days once you supply all the required information.
• Let’s get started

Let me introduce myself
Hi, I am Neville Berkowitz (70), a 45-year veteran entrepreneur and business advisor locally and globally. About Neville Berkowitz.
I have come out of retirement to help you prosper in the tough economic conditions ahead. I have chosen to contribute my experience, knowledge, and hard-won wisdom to you as we approach what Kristalina Georgieva, MD of the International Monetary Fund (IMF), stated in May 2022:
“The global economy faces its biggest test since the Second World War. We face a ‘confluence of calamities’.

With an estimated 13% p.a. small business failure rate in 2023- 2024, I can help my clients not to be a business failure statistic. (The average small business failure rate through the last six US recessions was 12.2% p.a., and in 1981, when inflation was 9% p.a.,14% of small businesses failed that year. In June 2022, the US inflation rate was 9.1%p.a.)
I want to do more than ensure that together we future-proof your business. I want to ensure that we develop its prosperity together during the next few challenging years.
I have been through a recession, stagflation, and its subsequent recession in the late 1970s- early 1980s. I have been through numerous recessions, high inflation, and high-interest rate times over my 45 years of entrepreneurship and providing business advisory services.
Let me be blunt- you will take a lot of mental strain, pressure, and stress over the next 24 months. Much-needed sleep, and peace of mind, will be a rarity.
I can help you relieve that, and, more importantly, I want to help you.
I have worked with numerous Liquidators of businesses through the years, assisting them in attempting to resuscitate failed businesses. In that process, I have met failed entrepreneurs and seen the financial and emotional damage they and their families have suffered.
I want to help ensure those circumstances are minimized as much as possible. That’s why I came out of retirement after 52 years of a working career.
My philosophy is that it’s better to light one candle than curse the darkness.
I can only help five clients worldwide at any given time. I must do a lot of work in future-proofing your business and developing its prosperity in the tough economic times ahead.
Let’s get started

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