Strategic Advisory Service

My Strategic Advisory Service flows from the Proactive Business Strategy including the identified Profitable Solutions.

The Proactive Business Strategy, including the creative thinking process, will highlight for me, and hopefully, for you, the proactive steps that need to be assessed, addressed, and, if suitable, applied for increased revenues and profitability.

The Case Studies section of this website gives you a few examples of my critical and creative thinking solutions for future-proofing and enabling businesses to prosper.

Further Funding for Your Small Business

You may be required to invest further into your business to make these increased revenue streams a reality. Should you require increased funding from outside sources, then the Proactive Business Strategy, including the Strategic Advisory Service, can be presented to these Funders to support your finance application, whether equity or debt finance.

If required, I can provide additional evidence to support such a finance application; however, this may require a discussion about further fees, depending on what is required of me and the time costs involved.

We can also discuss whether there is a need for me to provide an ongoing Advisory Service to you to ensure the increased revenue streams eventuate.

As discussed under Your Investment, my time is rationed, and I limit myself to a maximum of five clients worldwide at any given time.

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